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Share Leasing (Fees updated in 2021)
The lease form must be completed and signed by both parties and returned to our office with all fees paid for the lease to become effective. Leases are to be renewed annually. The lease form is available at the bottom of this page.
If you do not own shares, you will be required to pay the current account fee to lease water. The account fee for 2025 is $410.
Fees are:
$25 - Jan 1-March 31 of each year
$50 - April 1-May 31 of each year
$75 - June 1-June 30 year
$100 - July 1-Oct 15 of each year
If you have water you are not using, you can lease it to anyone that can receive delivery of water in MVIC's system. The lease price is between you and the party you are making the lease with.
You will not lose your shares if you are not using them.
For a list of shareholders leasing out water shares or any questions,
please call our office at (970) 565-3332.
MVIC will not be spraying weeds on right-of-ways. It is the responsibility of landowners to control weeds on their property.
Water lease agreement- new 2021 (pdf)
DownloadThe next Annual Stockholder Meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2026 at the Lewis Arriola Community Center. Registration is from 10-1 with the meeting starting at 1pm. NO Late Registration.
2nd Tuesday of each month
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Board Executive Session: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Open Business Meeting begins: 2:00 p.m.
Location: MVIC Office
No business or decisions will be discussed before 2:00 p.m.
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